Complexity of flavor, quality and price of coffee – what if they are not connected anymore?

What if the complexity of the flavor, quality and price are not connected anymore? What now? How to buy coffee now? What is a fair price to pay for 1 kg of green beans? And for a 250 gr bag of roasted coffee? These questions are both for roasters who are busy creating their seasonalContinueContinue reading “Complexity of flavor, quality and price of coffee – what if they are not connected anymore?”

How to Choose Water for Coffee. Brewing Coffee with Tap Water.

Let’s imagine. Sunday morning. You are getting out of bed, craving some coffee. Probably you even have a bag that you bought recently, something that you is gonna be tasty, gonna be soooo good… 

The only problem is – no proper water at hand. Only tap water. 

To brew or not to brew? A good question… 

When brewing coffee, the quality of the water that you use matters.

Coffee Freshness – How Fresh is Too Fresh?

Looks like in specialty we are always running against the clock, trying to get the freshest green beans first, and then, when the coffee is roasted – well, the idea is to sell it faster, because when you roast it, you basically start the timer. Timer of “not too fresh”.

It comes to a degree when people are refusing to buy coffee that is perfectly fine, but was roasted a week ago. “7 days is too much, probably coffee has already passed its peak”. 

But does fresher coffee mean better coffee?

How to choose a roaster – most important piece of advice

So, you are thinking about starting a coffee roastery! Congratulations!

I’ve been there.

You discuss the machines, which one you like the most, you collect the data and the feedback from the fellow roasters – what are the possible problems, how the coffee turns out. You think about the design – which color to choose, how it will look inside the shop. You are probably even thinking about the length of the chimney and the number of bends it makes – and you really should.

All of it is important, and definitely should be considered and thought through.

But only after you find out the most important piece of information….